Well, as of today, there are now two stocks in the portfolio:
http://www.superstockpicker.com/portfolio_Ultimate_Price_Momentum_v5.htmlBut, in any case, it is not what we recommend, but it is the way the money is allocated in our portfolios to have all the capital divided among the stocks currently in the portfolio. In case of a single stock, as it was the case last week, all the money was in that line.
Anyone has to choose if he can cope with that, but what we stress is that if you want to get the same (or very close) performance as what is shown on the website, then you have to allocate your money the same way as we do.
Also, see this thread for statistics about our portfolios:
http://www.superstockpicker.com/forum/index.php?topic=28.0Note that the 5 positions, that were created in the Virtual $5,000 portfolio, were based on the stats about the Ultimate Price Momentum v2 portfolio In the case of the UPM v5, it would be more appropriate to created 3 positions only...