One of the mistakes beginners usually do is that they do not follow the same allocation as what we use in our portfolios. You can learn more here:
http://www.superstockpicker.com/forum/index.php?topic=3.0But, as the performances of the 3 stocks currently in the Ultimate Price Momentum v5+ are quite close from each other, an equally weighted portfolio (in dollars) should have very comparable results.
Also, I don't when you have started following the portfolio, but if you look at the numbers published on the website, you can see that the UPM v5+ has peaked on Nov 30th and is declining since then. All data are available on the portfolio's description page:
http://www.superstockpicker.com/Ultimate%20Price%20Momentum%20v5+%20history.csvThe figure of -.78% you're mentioning is the result for yesterday (
Dec 9th) only.
I hope this helps.