Super Stock Picker Forum

The Canadian Stock Market => Beginner's Guide => Topic started by: garilou on November 12, 2008, 12:56:02 AM

Title: Get started with SSP's strategy.
Post by: garilou on November 12, 2008, 12:56:02 AM
Rockland wrote:
By the way, I was searching for the link about SSP's recommended stocks but didn't find it. Do you mind telling me where the link is?

Hi Rockland,
I guess the first thing to do would be to register for the "FREE CANADIAN STOCK ADVICE".

Every day, you'll receive a message, sometimes with no recommendation, sometimes with buy and sell recommendations specific to one or more of SSP's portfolios.

Since it seems that you have not yet registered to that newsletter, you can find all the past recommendations and the open positions of the different portfolio by following the links starting at

It would be important to really well understand the different SSP's portfolios strategies, so you should spend some time in the board "How it works", (see the boards list at the bottom of the page) because following seriously SSP's strategy can be much more lucrative then just buying one or some of their recommendations.
Especially the topic:   How to build your own portfolio following our advice.  (
It's not easy to understand, but it worth the effort.
Some use it pretty strictly, others follow one or 2 portfolios, but not so strictly.
And in that board, SSP is usually pretty fast at answering questions or referring to the proper topics or posts.

Sure in the recent terribly bear market, their portfolios have suffered. That's why they are now implementing a new "UP"and"DOWN" timing system, (see the new board "Our market timing indicator"), that will help limit the losses when the market is seriously bearish.

It is the good time now to study the whole thing to be ready when the markets will start to be more reliable.
